Primer bolnika s karcinomom požiralnika z vstavljeno samoraztezno kovinsko opornico
Patient with esophageal carcinoma treated with self-expandable metal stent
esophageal carcinoma, dysphagia, self-expandable metal stent, case reportAbstract
Ureditev prehranskega statusa je eden glavnih ciljev pri bolnikih z rakom požiralnika, saj ima pomemben vpliv na potek in uspeh zdravljenja. Zaradi pogostega pojava disfagije in oteženega uživanja hrane skozi usta je pogosto potrebno že pred pričetkom zdravljenja vzpostaviti prehransko pot. Izkazalo se je, da sta pri bolnikih na radikalnem zdravljenju, to je z namenom ozdravitve, NGS in perkutana hranilna stoma superiorni samorazteznim kovinskim opornicam. Kljub temu, da samoraztezne kovinske opornice omogočajo hitro izboljšanje disfagije, pa so zaradi pogostih, tudi življenje ogrožujočih zapletov, primerne predvsem v sklopu paliativnega zdravljenja. V prispevku je opisan primer bolnika z rakom požiralnika na predoperativnem zdravljenju in predhodno vstavljeno samoraztezno kovinsko opornico.
Abstract (Eng)
Regulation of nutritional status is one of the main goals in patients with esophageal carcinoma, as it has a significant impact on the course and success of treatment. Due to frequent occurrence of dysphagia and difficulty in oral food intake, it is often necessary to establish an alternative feeding route before starting treatment. Nasogastric- and percutaneous feeding tube have been shown to be superior to self-expandable metal stents in patients on curative treatment. Despite self-stretching metal stents enabling rapid improvement of dysphagia, they are suitable mainly as part of palliative treatment due to frequent, possibly even life-threatening complications. In this paper, a case of esophageal carcinoma patient with an inserted self-expandable metal stent, receiving neoadjuvant treatment, is reported.
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